So, I've been on a blog hiatus. In February, I got sidetracked by the Olympics. I'd get sucked into the primetime drama of it and then again at night. Sleep deprivation at his finest. Then March came, April. Now it's May. To get back into it I thought I would kick off the summer with the emotion joy. Its the emotion we all desire. I love the above image of Evan after his olympic figure skating performance. This isn't just run of the mill joy here. It's ecstasy. If one didn't know what he accomplished or what a great performance he had, you wouldn't know whether he was in pain or if he was excited. That's the funny thing about facial expression, so many ways we contort our faces could mean a multitude of different emotions. Here, Evan is so happy he's screaming. His eyes are squeezed shut as he revels in the moment of having completed something he's strived for his entire life and then having been successful at it. It will come as no shock then to conclude that persistance to goals or goal attainment is one cause of joy. What are some others?